Recruited Pikeman

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Level: 1
When hit by melee attacks from the [front], takes 5% less DMG. When attacked, deals [Piercing DMG] to the attacker equal to 20% of the character's P.ATK.
Basic Attack
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% Physical DMG.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
Default Skill
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 140% DMG and knocks the target back by 2 tiles.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
*Click skill icon to activate stats*
HP: +3%
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 150% DMG. Before attacking, the character gains [Shield Break II].
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
Crumbling Smash

Rk 1

High Alert
ATK +20
MAT +14
DEF +7
MDF +6
HP +31
DEF: +3%
(Support) Performs [Alert] towards a 2-tile area in the target direction, dealing 150% [physical AoE DMG] once an enemy enters this area.
Range↓1 - ↑2
Height Range↓2 - ↑2

Rk 2

ATK +20
MAT +14
DEF +7
MDF +6
HP +31
DEF: +3%
(Passive) Before a single-target attack, gains a 50% chance to inflict [Sprite 3P.DEF II] on the target for 2 turns.
Rupture Armor

Rk 3

Last Stand
ATK +20
MAT +14
DEF +7
MDF +6
HP +39
HP: +3%
(Passive) When [Injured], increases DEF by 20%.

Rk 4

ATK +20
MAT +14
DEF +7
MDF +6
HP +39
ATK: +3%
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack from the [front or side], performs a basic attack to [Strike Back] if the attacker is within range, dealing 70% of basic attack's DMG. The effect can be activated up to 1 time per round.

Rk 5

Endure Pain
ATK +27
MAT +19
DEF +10
MDF +7
HP +54
ATK: +3%
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 8%. When [Injured], the DMG taken is decreased by 20%.

Rk 6

ATK +27
MAT +19
DEF +10
MDF +7
HP +54
HP: +3%
(Physical DMG) Deals 70% [AoE DMG] to all enemies within 4 tiles in the target direction and inflicts [Sprite 3P.DEF II] for 2 turns.
Range↓1 - ↑4
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
Shieldbreak Jab

Rk 7

Sweeping Bash
ATK +27
MAT +19
DEF +10
MDF +7
HP +70
DEF: +3%
(Physical DMG) Deals 80% DMG to all enemies within a 3×2 area in the target direction and inflicts [Sprite 3P.DEF I], lasting for 2 turns.
Range↓1 - ↑2
Height Range↓2 - ↑2

Rk 8

ATK +27
MAT +19
DEF +10
MDF +7
HP +70

Rk 9

ATK +41
MAT +28
DEF +14
MDF +11
HP +93

Rk 10

ATK +41
MAT +28
DEF +14
MDF +11
HP +93

Rk 11

ATK +41
MAT +28
DEF +14
MDF +11
HP +116

Rk 12

ATK +81
MAT +57
DEF +29
MDF +22
HP +233