Outlaw Guard

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Level: 1
Gains [Block]. When taking physical DMG for the first time from [front or side] enemies, gains a 100% chance to trigger [block], after which the character deals 5% more DMG.
Basic Attack
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% Physical DMG.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
Default Skill
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 150% DMG. Before attacking, gains [Offensive Stance] for 2 turns.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
*Click skill icon to activate stats*
HP: +3%
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 30% DMG. Then, performs [Pursuit] and deals DMG equal to 200% of the character's P.DEF, up to 150% of P.ATK. Knocks the target back by 2 tiles.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
Knockback Combo

Rk 1

Rupture Armor
ATK +20
MAT +14
DEF +8
MDF +6
HP +32
DEF: +3%
(Passive) Before a single-target attack, gains a 50% chance to inflict [Sprite 3P.DEF II] on the target for 2 turns.

Rk 2

ATK +20
MAT +14
DEF +8
MDF +6
HP +32
DEF: +3%
(Passive) At the end of the turn, inflicts [Sprite 3ATK II] on the enemy with the highest P.ATK within 4 tiles around the character for 2 turns.

Rk 3

Survival Desire
ATK +20
MAT +14
DEF +8
MDF +6
HP +40
HP: +3%
(Passive) When [Dying], increases Movement by 2 tiles.

Rk 4

ATK +20
MAT +14
DEF +8
MDF +6
HP +40
ATK: +3%
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 8%, and the chance of taking critical hits is decreased by 30%.
Weak Spot Protection

Rk 5

ATK +26
MAT +18
DEF +10
MDF +7
HP +55
ATK: +3%
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 8%. After being attacked, the character gains [Sprite 2DMG II] for 3 turns.

Rk 6

ATK +26
MAT +18
DEF +10
MDF +7
HP +55
HP: +3%
(Piercing DMG) Single-target attack. Deals [Piercing DMG] equal to 30% of the target's HP and then inflicts [Sprite 3ATK II] for 2 turns.
Range↓1 - ↑3
Height Range↓6 - ↑8
Weapon Eroder

Rk 7

Thorny Armor
ATK +26
MAT +18
DEF +10
MDF +7
HP +71
DEF: +3%
(Passive) Upon receiving Physical Attacks, deals [Piercing DMG] to the attacker equal to 50% of the character's P.DEF.

Rk 8

ATK +26
MAT +18
DEF +10
MDF +7
HP +71

Rk 9

ATK +39
MAT +27
DEF +16
MDF +11
HP +95

Rk 10

ATK +39
MAT +27
DEF +16
MDF +11
HP +95

Rk 11

ATK +39
MAT +27
DEF +16
MDF +11
HP +119

Rk 12

ATK +78
MAT +55
DEF +31
MDF +22
HP +237