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Level: 1
At the start of the turn, Safiyyah locks onto 1 random enemy within 4 tiles of herself and inflicts [The Hanged Men's Mark] for 1 turn. Attacking enemies with [The Hanged Men's Mark] deals additional [physical DMG] equal to 16% of the target's HP, but no more than 150% of Safiyyah's P.ATK.
Basic Attack
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% Physical DMG.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
Default Skill
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 130% DMG. Before attacking, Crit increases by 15%. If the target is defeated, recovers 3 NRG.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
*Click skill icon to activate stats*
HP: +3%
(Passive) After an attack, if the target is [Dying] and has [The Hanged Men's Mark], deals an additional [Piercing DMG] equal to 30% of the target's HP. When DMG is dealt, the mark will be removed.
Settlement of the Hanged Men

Rk 1

Shadow Assault
ATK +18
MAT +12
DEF +7
MDF +7
HP +30
DEF: +3%
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 130% DMG. After attacking, the character gains [Dodge] for 1 turn.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2

Rk 2

ATK +18
MAT +12
DEF +7
MDF +7
HP +30
DEF: +3%
(Support) Safiyyah gains [Shadowless Blade] for 1 turn. Upon a successful [dodge], she deals 85% physical AoE DMG to enemies within a 3×4 area in the target direction and inflicts [Vulnerable II] for 2 turns. Safiyyah recovers 2 NRG.
Shadowless Blade

Rk 3

Tactic Adjustment
ATK +18
MAT +12
DEF +7
MDF +7
HP +38
HP: +3%
(Support) [Instant]. Safiyyah selects any target and changes her role to match the target, also granting her [Disguise]. This effect lasts until the start of her next turn.
Range↓1 - ↑3
Height Range↓8 - ↑8

Rk 4

ATK +18
MAT +12
DEF +7
MDF +7
HP +38
ATK: +3%
(Reaction) Performs [Assisting Attack] against enemies with [The Hanged Men's Mark] within 3 tiles of the character, dealing 50% Physical DMG. The skill can be activated up to 1 time per round.
Blade Chase

Rk 5

Vital Guard
ATK +24
MAT +17
DEF +9
MDF +9
HP +53
ATK: +3%
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 8%. Upon receiving an active attack, if the character is [Dying], gains [Dodge] for 1 turn. Can be activated up to 1 time per round.

Rk 6

ATK +24
MAT +17
DEF +9
MDF +9
HP +53
HP: +3%
(Support) Safiyyah summons 1 [H.M. Agent] behind the target, inheriting 85% of her attributes. Inflicts [The Hanged Men's Mark], [Sprite 3P.DEF II], and [Sprite 3M.DEF II] on the target for 2 turns.
Range↓1 - ↑3
Height Range↓8 - ↑8
Anti-espionage Order

Rk 7

H. M. Commander
ATK +24
MAT +17
DEF +9
MDF +9
HP +68
DEF: +3%
(Aura) All other allies within 5 tiles of the character gain 15% bonus ATK when attacking enemies with [The Hanged Men's Mark].

Rk 8

ATK +24
MAT +17
DEF +9
MDF +9
HP +68
DEF: +3%
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% physical DMG and inflicts [Sprite 1Passive Skills] on [Injured] targets before attacking, lasting for 2 turns.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
Sealing Attack

Rk 9

Team Attack
ATK +36
MAT +25
DEF +13
MDF +13
HP +91
HP: +3%
(Basic Attack) Single-target attack. Deals 80% Physical DMG. Grants [Sprite 2SPD III] and [Sprite 2ATK I] to the character's closest other ally for 1 turn.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2

Rk 10

ATK +36
MAT +25
DEF +13
MDF +13
HP +91
ATK: +3%
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 170% DMG. Before attacking, inflicts [Isolate] on the target for 1 turn. After dealing DMG, inflicts [Sprite 1Assist] on the target for 2 turns.
Range↓1 - ↑1
Height Range↓2 - ↑2
Armybane Blade

Rk 11

Weapon Eroder
ATK +36
MAT +25
DEF +13
MDF +13
HP +114
ATK: +3%
(Piercing DMG) Single-target attack. Deals [Piercing DMG] equal to 30% of the target's HP and then inflicts [Sprite 3ATK II] for 2 turns.
Range↓1 - ↑3
Height Range↓6 - ↑8

Rk 12

ATK +71
MAT +50
DEF +26
MDF +26
HP +228